AMAZON The Scientist behind THC - Discovering The Endo-Cannabinoid System.
If people let government decide which foods they eat and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. :: Thomas Jefferson -++- STRAINS ON SALE UNTIL February 28th: Denali (DEN) - Durban-Poison-Punch (DPP) - Hash-Passion (HP) - Jesus-OG (JOG) -

The Scientist behind THC - Discovering The Endo-Cannabinoid System.

About 3 years ago, my research started with a question: What exactly is THC? Where did the term come from? Here is the answer. Dr. Mechoulam was the first to isolate delta9-THC and Cannabidiol and first to confirm the many roles that cannabis has played in ancient medicine as still having viability in modern pharmacology. Over 30 years of state-funded research was done, and his discovery of the interactions between cannabis and the endo-cannabinoid system present in mammals was both ground-breaking and a real medical boon.
This is a great documentary, no conjecture, just the facts and history behind the man who scientifically researched, discovered, isolated and was instrumental in legitimate exploration of the applications of THC.

YouTube: Published on Jul 23, 2015

“The Scientist”

is a documentary that traces the story of Dr. Mechoulam from his early days as a child of the Holocaust in Bulgaria, through his immigration to Israel, and his career as the chief investigator into the chemistry and biology of the world’s most misunderstood plant. Dr. Mechoulam ascertained that THC interacts with the largest receptor system in the human body, the endocannabinoid system (ECS). "

Though still unknown to most researchers and medical professionals because of the worldwide prohibition of marijuana, the importance of the ECS is growing daily. It has been called the “supercomputer that regulates homeostasis in the human body.” Because receptors are found throughout the brain and in every major organ, this system is thought to be involved in most disease state. This is one reason that cannabis treats so many different illnesses. Mechoulam has been investigating this compound longer and more thoughtfully than any other scientist. He has unearthed cannabis’s role in treating seizure disorders, schizophrenia and PTSD, as well as on other functions that govern human health like infant-maternal bonding. He has been awarded numerous scientific prizes and is universally acknowledged as the “Grandfather of cannabinoid medicine.” Despite these accolades, Mechoulam’s name isn’t known outside of a small group of researchers.

For further information please visit: OR Project CBD article about Dr. Mechoulam

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